

World Population Day 2019 Highlights


Anxiety! Elation! But most of all pride took a center stage on 11th July 2019 as Adjumani District hosted the national celebrations for World Population Day at Paridi Stadium. History was made as different stakeholders joined in the celebration - not even the absence of the fountain of honor could take way this unique opportunity from the people of Adjumani.For some locals, it was their first time to see such a huge number of NGOs, CBOs, companies, groups, and associations in one place with one goal; to raise awareness about population issues and deliberate on how to avert them.A number of pre-activities were organized that focused on emphasizing the relevance of the event’ s theme; Renewing the Promise: Empowering Uganda’s Youth for Social Economic transformation.One such pre-activity was a youth dialogue that was organized by United Nations Population Fund and Reach A Hand Uganda at Mayor’s garden as part of their ‘Live Your Dream’ project.Attention was paid to each detail; the organizers perhaps didn’t want to leave any stone unturned. It should explain why it wasn’t surprising to see the most trending Miss Uganda ever, Miss Abenakyo Quin grace the list of invited guests. But it was a great honor too, to host leaders from the region on this same day for a symposium on the day’s theme.At the symposium, leaders from the 11 districts reechoed their commitment with a promise to achieve zero maternal deaths, zero unmet need for Family Planning and zero Gender-Based Violence, including child marriage and other harmful practices to ensure reproductive rights and choices for all.A big thank you to every stakeholder who contributed and participated in numerous ways. You are part of the milestone and success we achieved.To National Population Council, we remain humbled and honored for entrusting us by choosing Adjumani to host this big event.“It’s an important platform to encourage young people that just like the personalities they see today they too can make it. I encourage you to stay in school so that we can generate a crop of new leaders from among you.” The Principal Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, Richard Edema “When I first became Miss Madi there was a lot of criticism. I almost got demoralized but I said to myself ‘I’m going to show everyone that it’s my time and I’m going to shine no matter what you think’. Work hard. Stay focused,” she said to the young people.” Former Miss Madi, Abio Brenda. 
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